Thursday, August 27th

dog on his backWow it is Thursday, the first week of school and I feel like the puppy in this picture.  I thought I was tired until I watched the teachers walk by.  I know the students are tired too.  Everyone has worked so hard this week.  Parents you should be very proud of your child!   Everything has gone smoothly this week but we can’t wait for the weekend.

First Day of School

Can’t wait to see everyone on Monday, August 24th.  Registration has been fast and furious.  Lots of movement this year on our campus.  The teachers are excited and ready to have a great year.   I hope our new students will love White Oak.  Our students and faculty welcome you.    This is White Oak’s Homecoming Year and we look forward to seeing all the exes!  image0033


black and white 2We have registered new students (quite a few) and today returning students registered.   It was great seeing everyone again.   It is going to be a fun year!  Don’t forget Open House Thursday, August 20th 5:30 – 6:30. Bring your supplies!

Are We There Yet?

bookguyThe answer is no but we are getting close!  Today was BIG AR day for Intermediate students.   Students were honored with gift certificates, prizes, and visits to the treasure box.   Second grade students were allowed to watch and afterwards visited the 3rd grade classrooms.   Second grade students are going home today with a packet of information for next year.   

Is It Over Yet?

Wow the kids are getting restless at school.  You can tell summer is just around the corner.  I can’t wait to sleep in (which will be 7:00 a.m.) and not have to be anywhere.  My summer starts after the first week of school.   I will be taking care of Christopher, my grandson, age 6 and my mother-in-law.  So say a prayer for me!weinie-dog

Just Another Day in Paradise

summerfunWe are all getting excited about summer vacation.  The students leave early the last week of school on Wednesday (12:30), Thursday (12:30) and Friday (11:30).  Math Retakes for 5th grade will be next Tuesday, May 19th.  This Friday, May 15th, 4th grade going to Skateplex and after that they will be at the park.  Sounds like good times to me.  Hope everyone has their AR points because we are planning on having a great day, Tuesday, May 26th.    I sure will miss my friends in 5th grade when they move up. 

Field Day

Well today is Friday and 4th grade just finished with their field day.  They looked exhausted but thrilled with their fun day.  Hope everyone has a great weekend.    Don’t forget group pictures are Tuesday, May 12th.  puppies1

So Much To Do

Well the TAKS test (except for any retakes) is OVER!  We know we are ready for the end of school when that happens.  Grandparent’s Day for Kindergarten students is tomorrow.  They look so cute in their cowboy hats and T-shirts.  Our students will be getting out of the building to allow grandparents plenty of room to eat lunch and look around.  3rd grade will go to the Community Center, 4th grade will travel to the park, and 5th grade will tour Middle School and view Mr. Brewer’s automobiles.  Have a good weekend and a well deserved rest.  german-shepherd-puppies